The Best Way to Organize Paper Files: 7 Tips for an Efficient Home Office

The Best Way to Organize Paper Files: 7 Tips for an Efficient Home Office

Inside: Use these tips on the best way to organize paper files to create an efficient home office where you can easily find needed papers. Thanks to the influx of technology available at our fingertips, many of us are now able to work from home – either partially, or entirely. And while working from home…

10 Good Habits for Students to Succeed in School

10 Good Habits for Students to Succeed in School

Inside: These good habits for students will help them to be more successful and make the most of their education. For many of us, education is critically important. Our time spent in school shapes us, forms the basis of our knowledge, and ultimately provides us opportunities to succeed in life.  That’s why it’s so important…

What is Quiet Quitting & Why It’s Actually a Good Thing
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What is Quiet Quitting & Why It’s Actually a Good Thing

Inside: Have you heard of quiet quitting? Learn what it is and why it’s actually a good thing. There’s a new phrase that’s been circulating on TikTok, Instagram, and in the news – quiet quitting.  It’s a trend that’s taken the exhausted, burnt-out workforce by storm.  And, believe it or not, it isn’t a bad…

How to Declutter Your Schedule & Free Up Your Time
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How to Declutter Your Schedule & Free Up Your Time

Inside: Use these tips to declutter your schedule and free up more of your time. When it comes to your day-to-day schedule, do you feel like you never get a break? Is your calendar so overwhelmed with meetings, appointments, and reminders, you can’t seem to find any time for yourself or the things that are…

Simple Systems to Make Your Home Run More Smoothly
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Simple Systems to Make Your Home Run More Smoothly

Inside: Create simple systems to make your home run more smoothly with less time and effort. Do you feel like keeping your home in order is a constant struggle?  Dirty dishes in the sink. Laundry piled high everywhere but the bin, waiting to be washed. Constant cries of “What’s for dinner?”  To be honest, it…

5 Steps to Declutter Your Attic and Repurpose the Space

5 Steps to Declutter Your Attic and Repurpose the Space

Inside: Use these steps to declutter your attic and repurpose the space into something you can use and enjoy more. A guest post by Rose Morrison Attics are known for housing cobwebs, dust, long forgotten boxes, and an assortment of various odds and ends. Sound familiar? You can change that! Decluttering and repurposing your attic…

How to Streamline Your Kitchen to Maximize Efficiency
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How to Streamline Your Kitchen to Maximize Efficiency

Inside: Use these tips to streamline your kitchen and maximize its efficiency so you can better utilize the space. A guest post by Allie Cooper Let’s face it, it’s impossible to have an impeccably tidy home 24/7. Between kids, work, and everything else, some clutter is inevitable. This is especially evident in the kitchen where…