Inside: These good habits for students will help them to be more successful and make the most of their education.

For many of us, education is critically important. Our time spent in school shapes us, forms the basis of our knowledge, and ultimately provides us opportunities to succeed in life. 

That’s why it’s so important to get the most out of your education.

Whether you’re mastering basic concepts in your early years or you’re pursuing higher education around a subject you’re passionate about, you want to make sure you’re maximizing the value of your time and energy – not wasting your efforts.

But how?

While there’s no single answer to ensure you’re getting the most out of your education, there are some things you can do to make it happen. Those things are habits.

By building strong positive habits that shape the way you learn, study, and manage your time, you’ll set yourself up for success – in the classroom and beyond. 

good habits for students

10 Good Habits for Students to Succeed in School

Not sure what kinds of habits you should incorporate into your life to make the most of your education? This list of ten good habits for students is a great place to start.

You can create new habits even if you’ve struggled to in the past. Focus on one area you’d like to improve at a time to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed.

By embracing some – or all – of these into your routine, you might be surprised to see just how much easier school can be – and how much more value you can get out of it. 

1 – Get enough sleep.

One of the best habits you can build to succeed in school doesn’t happen in the classroom.

In fact, please avoid sleeping in the classroom at all costs.

Instead, it’s all about getting the right amount – and quality – of rest at night. Memories are solidified as you sleep, so a good night’s rest can make a big difference in your ability to recall all of the information you studied during the day.

By prioritizing rest and making good sleep a habit, you’ll set yourself up for success in the classroom – and beyond. 

good habits for students

2 – Stay organized. 

Staying organized in school can be hard. Between assignments, due dates, big tests and quizzes, projects, and everything else, there’s a lot to keep track of – and for some, staying on top of it all can feel like an impossible challenge.

Finding an organizational system that works for you is key to success here. For some, a paper planner with daily and weekly views can be a great tool to stay on track.

For others, a simple notebook and a to-do list are sufficient. And then there are all kinds of digital options, including apps, calendars, and automated reminders.

With a little research and some trial-and-error, you can find an organizational method you can keep up with and, over time, make it a good habit. 

3 – Focus on one task at a time. 

Good habits for students don’t involve watching television while doing homework, or trying to study while playing a game.

While many people think they can multitask, the reality is that most people struggle to do more than one thing at a time.

This is especially true when you’re trying to do something that requires focus, comprehension, critical thinking, and memorization. Instead of splitting your attention, learn to cut the distractions and give all of your focus on your studies. 

student studying

4 – Study often. 

You may not realize it, but studying is a skill. It isn’t something you’re born with the ability to do. Instead, you have to learn how to study – and practice often. 

Carve out a certain period of time each day to study and explore different strategies to review and retain information.

By making studying a habit, you’ll have a much easier time learning new stuff – whether you’re cramming for a test, memorizing lyrics to an unfamiliar song, or trying to master a new language. 

5 – Take good notes.

Like studying, taking notes is one of those things that people think is easy – but in reality, it can be a bit of a challenge.

You need to be able to digest the information you’re taking in, pick out the really important stuff, and capture it in a way that will make sense later on.

And if you’re in a classroom setting, you have to do it fast, since the teacher probably won’t slow down or wait for you to catch up. 

While you can research note-taking strategies and embrace different methodologies, at the end of the day, it’s all about finding something that works for you – and sticking to it. 

students raising their hands

6 – Be an active participant. 

It’s really easy to just show up and sit through class without actually engaging in the process. You can sit in the back, keep to yourself, and refuse to raise your hand – and chances are, you’ll escape without being disrupted.

But taking a literal back seat to your education isn’t really a great habit to build. Instead, make a habit of being an active participant in your education. Raise your hand and try to answer the questions.

Listen to what’s being covered and ask meaningful questions that show you understand the material – or that you’re trying to, at least. Not only will you get more out of the experience, but you might be surprised to see just how much more fun the process can be. 

7 – Be honest. 

This one may go without saying for most, but some students make cheating a habit.

Whether they’re copying answers to homework from a friend, skipping the required reading and glancing over a summary instead, plagiarizing essays, or finding another way to take a shortcut, the only person they’re really harming is themselves.

Be honest and don’t cheat. It’s as simple as that.

good habits for students

8 – Learn to prioritize.

Prioritization is a good habit that many students can benefit from. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re in school by the sheer amount of stuff you need to do.

Between studying for tests and quizzes, staying on top of homework, squeezing in required reading, and attending class, you can walk away each day with a lot on your plate and not a lot of time to do it.

It’s a great opportunity to focus on what’s important and figure out where to focus your attention.

When forced to choose between prepping for a big exam that can impact your final grade and a homework assignment that won’t have such a massive impact, it’s important to learn how to make the right decision. 

This is a good habit for students to develop as it’s an important life skill that they will use for the rest of their lives.

9 – Be prepared. 

Another good habit for students is to always come prepared. Don’t be the student who shows up to class without a pencil, or the one who forgot their textbook at home.

Not only can this be disruptive, it can make it more difficult for you to stay focused and learn the material that’s being taught.

Minimize your risk and make it a habit to take a quick inventory of your backpack the night before to make your mornings less crazy and to ensure you have what you need. 

good habits for students

10 – Get help when you need it.

Many of us don’t like asking for help – especially when it comes to school. But it’s a good idea to make asking for help a habit.

Don’t understand a concept? Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher to help you break it down.

Stuck on a problem? Ask a friend if they can help you walk through it.

Get a tutor to help you navigate subjects that you aren’t particularly strong in. Asking for help is way better than the alternatives – getting frustrated or giving up.

Bonus Habit: Choose Kindness.

While all of these good habits for students are beneficial and will help you to be more successful in school, don’t overlook important character qualities to have as well.

Choose kindness as you interact with your teacher and other students. Look for ways you can help improve someone else’s day.

Your overall success in school isn’t just your grades. It’s also the person you become in the process and how you treat others.

The habits that you learn while you’re young can be carried with you through adulthood. Be the type of person you’d want to have as a friend.

Which good habits for students resonated most with you? Share it in the comments section!

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  1. Good morning,
    I just sent a link to this website to all of my students and their parents.
    Your explanations are clear and straightforward; they should be a big help.
    Thank you.

    Anthony M. Fischer (Regular Ed. Teacher, social studies)

  2. Reading your comments make me realized I did most of these throughout my educational years at school and was successful. I’m going to send this to my kids to help them with my grandkids. Great blueprint for all aspects in life.

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