Inside: Have you heard of quiet quitting? Learn what it is and why it’s actually a good thing.

There’s a new phrase that’s been circulating on TikTok, Instagram, and in the news – quiet quitting

It’s a trend that’s taken the exhausted, burnt-out workforce by storm. 

And, believe it or not, it isn’t a bad thing.

Most of us have grown up under the impression that quitting anything – aside from a bad habit, that is – is not a good thing to do. 

“Don’t be a quitter.” 

“Quitters never win.” 

But in this case? Quiet quitters are winning. They’re winning back some much-needed work-life balance, and peace of mind.

And they’re doing it by setting and reinforcing healthy boundaries around work that, honestly, should’ve been there a long time ago. Let’s take a look at what quiet quitting is and how it’s actually a good thing.

quiet quitting

What is quiet quitting?

First of all, let’s make one thing clear – quiet quitting is not what you may initially think. It’s not the same thing as abandoning your job or handing in your two-week notice.

Instead, quiet quitting is taking a very intentional step back and evaluating your relationship with your work. 

Quiet quitting is doing what you’ve signed up for but not more.

It’s refusing to go above and beyond – working extra hours, taking on more work – without being adequately compensated for it.

It is shutting down for the day at 5 o’clock sharp, even if you could keep working for hours without making a real dent in your to-do list.

In a culture where companies have often treated their workers as disposable, quiet quitting is about asserting that they’ll do what they’ve committed to, but not take on extra. 

quiet quitting

And it represents a big shift in the mindsets of workers who have been pushed to their limits for far too long.

For years, the hustle mentality has dominated the workplace. In order to succeed, you’ve got to do more. Show up earlier. Stay later.

Sign up for more than you can realistically manage – and then give up your free time and peace of mind to get it all done. You’re told that’s what you have to do to stand out, earn your bonus, or get a promotion. 

But the concept of quiet quitting is challenging that above-and-beyond philosophy. 

While you’re more than welcome to take on extra work if you truly want to, this should be the exception – not the norm.

And as more and more people embrace the idea of quiet quitting and get their relationship with work to a healthier place, we’re starting to see the very real benefits of choosing to do less. 

stressed man at work

Why is quiet quitting a good thing?

Quiet quitting might look a little different for everyone, but the outcome is nearly universal. 

Less stress. More happiness. More time and energy to focus on the things that matter most to you. And that’s just the beginning…

Quiet quitting establishes boundaries.

The power balance at work has always been a tough situation to navigate.

And for most millennials, who came of age and entered the job market in a recession, that power balance has always tipped in favor of the employer – not the employee.

Desperate to find a job, or hold onto the one they had, many people thought that they truly had to prove themselves – and in many cases, the idea of proving yourself at work translates directly to working more. 

But that power balance is slowly shifting, thanks to the boldness of Generation Z, the impacts of the pandemic, and the fact that many of us have been pushed to our breaking point.

quiet quitting

People are beginning to realize that always going above and beyond doesn’t guarantee you any more success at work.

But it does guarantee that you’ll spend way too much time working, not enough time on personal pursuits, and exist in a state of constant stress and worry. 

With quiet quitting, you draw a clear line in the sand that designates what you are (and are not) willing to do.

Even something as simple as saying you won’t work after five o’clock, or you won’t take work calls on the weekends, can make a life-changing difference.

And by creating those boundaries for yourself, you might be surprised to see just how much more you enjoy your spare time.

Having true time off and rest can help you to be more productive at work when you are on the clock. 

family at the beach

Quiet quitting will bring you a greater work-life balance.

Finding a work-life balance has been a struggle for years, but the pandemic made it even more of a challenge. 

If you were deemed an essential worker, you were forced to physically show up at work – and in many cases, work longer hours to cover for others. 

And if you were lucky enough to work from home, chances are you found yourself working even more than you did when you were in the office.

With no commute, no water cooler conversations, and fewer distractions – not to mention that, for a while, you really couldn’t leave your house because everything was closed – all you could do was work. 

By quiet quitting and setting those boundaries at work, you’ll find a much greater sense of work-life balance.

By truly signing off at the end of the day instead of working extra hours, you can spend that time pursuing personal hobbies, enjoying time with your family, or simply relaxing.

You can make plans after work that you know you won’t have to cancel. 

And the benefit of quiet quitting isn’t just limited to after-hours, either.

Many of us start our day by checking our work email, and even when we’re on vacation, we can’t help but keep an eye on things in the office.

By quiet quitting, you can navigate your morning routine without that added stress – and truly unplug when you’re on vacation. 

woman walking in nature

Quiet quitting will improve your health.

It might sound a little dramatic, but it’s true.

Working too many hours and stretching yourself thin can truly take a toll on your mental and physical well-being.

Feelings of stress, anxiety, and burnout can have a very real impact on all facets of your life – far beyond work.

Too much stress can lead to a number of very legitimate health problems, from headaches and acne to high blood pressure and heart problems.

Not to mention, it can impact your mood, your ability to focus, your energy levels, your relationships with your friends and family, and so much more. 

By quiet quitting, you’re able to lower your stress and anxiety levels caused by work to a much more manageable state.

You’ll feel less burnt out and more in control of your time and energy. And over time, you’ll find that you benefit from this shift in a big way. 

quiet quitting

Has quiet quitting made a big impact on your life? Leave a comment and share your experience!

Have you done quiet quitting and created clear boundaries at your job? While the name may be initially a bit misleading, I can see how this would be beneficial for people to have a healthier work-life balance.

If you have an experience with that, I’d love to hear about it in the comments section. If you need to get some clarity on what’s most important to you so you can declutter your calendar accordingly, get the free worksheet below!

Sign up on the form below to get weekly simplifying and intentional living inspiration sent straight to your inbox. You’ll also receive the free Priorities Assessment Worksheet to help you declutter your schedule and focus on what matters most!

Sharing is caring :)


  1. As a Gen Xer I totally bought into this mindset. I watched all the 80s movies on getting ahead (Working Girl, The Secret of My Success, 9 to 5) and worked for demanding companies where lots of overtime was expected to get the job done. When my kids graduated from college, I told them to give 100% while they were working their 8 or 9 hours, but don’t try to give 120%+ by working all kinds of crazy hours, on weekends and vacations. I know times have changed with the digital world but if you don’t set boundaries, no one else will. This can also be applied to parenting. We had to draw the line at travel soccer leagues, etc because my husband was commuting to Canada for his work which meant I was mostly a single parent running 3 kids to all of their activities. We decided each child can choose 2 activities – sports, clubs, band, concert, etc. It meant they sometimes they gave up stuff I would have preferred they stayed in, but everyone maintained their sanity. Thanks for reminding a new generation of readers about how important this is.

  2. I think it’s about time employees put their foot down and focussed on living a well balanced life. Due to mu pushing myself too hard over a career of 35 yrs, i now have medical issues that impact my quality of life. I think we should all be pumping the brakes. I no longer have an interest in making my top heavy company executives rich while I continue to get a pat on the back and a push to do more. It feels great. Gotta love the newer generation.

  3. Health problems put an end to the insanity of the endless workday for me. Now I telecommute full-time, choose to work 30 rather than 40 hours a week, take breaks throughout the day for neighborhood walks and afternoon coffee on the patio of the coffeeshop, or wander through the bookstore around the corner from my home. Life is short (I learned the hard way) and it is my duty to make each day civilized. If I don’t, my employer certainly will not.

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