Inside: Learn the habits of people who have a growth mindset so that you can incorporate these practices into your life.
Many of us are on a journey of self-improvement and growth. At least, we want to be. Making it happen is often easier said than done.
As we navigate the demands of our everyday lives, it’s easy to make excuses and find yourself stagnant as you try to stay afloat – but with a little effort, you can shift your energy and support your personal development in a big way.
One thing that can help your quest for improvement is embracing a growth mindset. The idea is simple – it’s the belief that abilities, skills, behaviors, and talents can be developed with practice and effort.
It’s the belief that we can overcome obstacles or challenges that stand in our way – and, when you can’t actually make that happen, the belief that there’s something to learn in the process.
Want to embrace a growth mindset – but not sure how to make that happen? Consider incorporating some habits of people who have a growth mindset into your routine.
With a little effort, you might be surprised to see just how easy it can be.

7 Habits of People Who Have a Growth Mindset
Consider adopting some of these habits for a growth mindset. Once you work through your limiting beliefs you can move from your fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
Growth Mindset Habit #1: Embrace challenges as opportunities.
When you have a growth mindset, you see challenges and obstacles as exciting problems to solve.
Adversity gives you an opportunity to push yourself to try new things and think outside the box. You might need to learn a new skill to solve whatever problem you’re trying to solve.
Whether you’re navigating a conflict in a personal relationship, pushing yourself to run a marathon, or seeking a promotion at work, you can approach the situation with a growth mindset.
You’ll gain more from the experience when you view challenges as learning opportunities.
Growth Mindset Habit #2: Celebrate failure.
While the ultimate goal of most endeavors is to succeed, failure is inevitable – especially when you’re constantly pushing your boundaries and trying new things.
And that’s totally OK.
In fact, it’s more than OK – it’s great. The fact that you were brave enough to try is worth celebrating.
The experience you gained along the way is something you can find value in. And you probably learned a thing or two that you can use in the future to be successful in other endeavors.
It’s natural to be a little disappointed when you fall short of a goal, but by embracing all that you gained despite the outcome, you can shift the way you think about failure and help you develop resilience.
Growth Mindset Habit #3: Accept and learn from criticism.
Many people view criticism as an attack. And, when viewed through a certain lens, it can be seen that way.
But those with a growth mindset view criticism as valuable feedback that they can use to better themselves. Whether that feedback is coming from a friend, a colleague, a coach, a mentor – there’s value to be found in virtually all of it.
While accepting criticism without feeling hurt might be a hard habit to build, it’s an important one.
By learning to listen carefully, reflect, and make adjustments to grow, feedback (even when it’s harsh) can be a great tool to drive your growth.
It is important to recognize that not every source of criticism is one to take to heart though. Be thoughtful in evaluating whose opinions are worth listening to and who is downright mean or cruel.
Growth Mindset Habit #4: Set goals – and stick to them.
People with growth mindsets aren’t aimlessly moving forward, hoping to achieve something new and wonderful. Instead, they set intentional goals and articulate exactly what they hope to achieve.
They make plans that outline the steps they need to take to achieve them. And then they execute those plans, evaluating their progress often to ensure they’re still on track.
If you’re looking to develop a growth mindset, setting goals for yourself is a critical step to make it happen.
One tried-and-true goal-setting methodology is setting SMART goals – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
By getting granular about what you hope to achieve, giving yourself a clear measure of success, being realistic, staying aligned with your broader ambitions, and setting a clear date for completion, you can stay motivated and hold yourself accountable as you work towards your goal.
Growth Mindset Habit #5: Have a positive outlook.
Those who embrace a growth mindset are often faced with adversity. You don’t find success without failure, and you don’t learn new skills without facing some challenges along the way.
For many, obstacles are big demotivators. They leave us exhausted, upset and discouraged.
But those with a growth mindset find a way to see the silver lining. There’s something to be gained from literally every experience, even if it might be hard to recognize.
By making a habit of positive self-talk and embracing a more optimistic attitude, especially when faced with difficult situations or outcomes you’d rather not have, you can further your growth mindset.
Constantly asking yourself how you can learn from an experience can help you to see it in a more positive light.
Growth Mindset Habit #6: Look for new things to learn.
Learning new things is a key component of having a growth mindset – that should come as no surprise.
People who have a growth mindset are constantly curious. They’re always asking questions, seeking to understand what they don’t know, and learning how to do things they aren’t familiar with.
There are so many ways to learn new information. Whether you love to read, watch informational videos, listen to podcasts, practice new skills hands-on, or learn from others in a formal setting, staying focused on learning new things and taking actionable steps to make it happen is a habit of those with a growth mindset.
Growth Mindset Habit #7: Surround yourself with like-minded people.
The people you spend the most time with have a bigger influence on you than you might think.
If friends and family are comfortable with the status quo, easily frustrated by the smallest challenges, and don’t push themselves to learn new things, chances are that mindset will rub off on you – even if you don’t want it to.
Cultivate relationships with people who are on a similar quest for growth. Learn from each other. Cheer each other on. Celebrate progress, however small. And constantly push each other to improve.
It is said you become the five people you spend the most time with, so when you’re able, choose those people carefully.
What other habits do people with growth mindsets demonstrate? Leave a comment and let me know what I missed!
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Very nice & important article.
I enjoyed reading your article..
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Thanks for the article.
I found it useful
I’m glad it was helpful!
very helpful article
Thanks for the article
very helpful
The only thing I would add would be to the last point: you want your friends to have a growth mindset, but not necessarily see everything like you do. Nothing fosters growth like exploring differences of opinion! Obviously, you want to be in harmony on important things, but there’s a lot of space to disagree (kindly) and help each other see things from a different perspective!
Look for ways to help others with life. Be aware of their needs, physical or emotional.
Don’t be defined by your possessions or status.
“It is said you become the five people you spend the most time with, so when you’re able, choose those people carefully.”
I definitely did not know this to be true, but in 2024 I terminated four relationships that I allowed to stifle my growth. They were unhealthy. They may even have been mildly toxic. I used the energy previously placed in fighting the drain of those relationships to tend the ones that bring me joy, encouragement, celebration, and support. It feels like freedom.
Thank you for articulating this so concretely. I’ll remember this quote.