Inside: If your goal is to simplify your life, stop doing these seven things.

In today’s fast-paced, ever-connected world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.

We’re told that we need to achieve more, own more, do more in order to succeed – but the end result is often more clutter and stress than we can truly manage. 

One of the best things you can do to combat this? Embrace simplicity in all aspects of your life.

By choosing to walk a quieter, less burdensome path, you can find a greater sense of peace and enjoyment – and shake off the perpetual stress.

If you’re looking to simplify your life, take a good look at your habits, behaviors, and routines. Then, figure out ways to dial it back.

Not sure where to start? Here are a few easy things you can stop doing to simplify your life:

to simplify your life stop doing these things

Want to simplify your life? Stop doing these 7 things.

Here are seven things to stop doing if you want to simplify your life.

#1 – Stop holding on to clutter. 

If you want to simplify your life, simplifying your environment is a great place to start. 

Your home should be a reflection of the life you want to live and the mindset you want to embrace.

When you’re surrounded by clutter and mess, it’s difficult – if not legitimately impossible – to relax, recharge, and find a sense of calm at the end of a long, chaotic day. 

Learn how to part ways with the possessions that no longer serve you. Throw away anything that’s truly trash and consider selling or donating items that can benefit someone else.

As for the rest? Make sure everything you keep has a home – a specific place where it belongs.

Learn more: Start with these 10-minute decluttering tasks that have big results.

to simplify your life stop doing these things

#2 – Stop saying “yes” to everything.

While making plans might sound nice, it’s easy to get overburdened and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff you’ve packed into your schedule.

Favors for friends, lunch with family, personal appointments, work obligations – it can be hard to say no.

But if you don’t learn how to set boundaries and preserve your peace, you’ll quickly find yourself drowning in commitments you didn’t actually want to make.

By learning how to stop saying “yes” to every suggestion or offer that comes your way, you can simplify your schedule and carve out more time to relax, unwind, and enjoy life on your own terms. 

Learn more: Determine what you need to declutter in your schedule to free up more time.

woman trying to cook and type on the computer at the same time

#3 – Stop multitasking. 

For years, we sang the praises of multitasking. Being able to split our attention between multiple things at once was a skill that could help you in both your personal and professional life – at least, that’s what we thought.

We’ve come to realize that splitting our attention between multiple tasks means that we aren’t doing any of them effectively or well.

Instead, monotasking – or focusing our time and energy on a single thing – has proven to be a far more efficient and impactful way to tackle our to-do lists.

The next time you need to get something done – whether that’s an assignment for work, a basket of laundry that needs to be folded, or a conversation with a friend – give the task at hand your full attention. You might be surprised to see just how much faster – and better – you are at it. 

Learn more: Find out why you need to focus in order to get more done.

to simplify your life stop doing these things

#4 – Stop chasing perfection. 

Since we were kids, many of us have been conditioned to believe that perfection is the ideal. Perfection in our careers, in our homes, in our relationships – in everything we do – is the hallmark of success.

Unfortunately, the pursuit of perfection can lead to lots of unwanted consequences. It can cause a ton of stress. It can lead to burnout. And, in some cases, it can hinder our progress forward.

Instead, embrace the idea that done is better than perfect. You can be successful and fulfilled without attaining society’s standard of perfection – as long as you’re happy with what you’ve achieved. 

Learn more: Read about how to define success in your life and decide what your definition is.

make do instead of buy new

#5 – Stop buying things you don’t need. 

We’re constantly being advertised to. Television, billboards, radio, and social media are an endless bombardment of things we should buy.

Combine that pressure with the dopamine hit that many of us get when we buy something new, and you can see why shopping and spending are a big problem for many.

Instead of constantly contributing to your clutter problem, put a pause on spending. Don’t buy things you don’t need.

It sounds simple, but it’s trickier than you might think to combat that urge.

Consider implementing a 3-day rule – if you want something, force yourself to wait at least three days before buying it. Chances are, you’ll find most of the stuff you want is truly a want, not a need

Learn more: Here are 6 ways to be more intentional with shopping.

woman staring at her cell phone

#6 – Stop constantly scrolling through social media.

They say comparison is the thief of joy – and it’s true. 

Spend a few minutes on social media, and you’ll see people living glamorous lives, traveling the world, living in incredible homes, looking absolutely immaculate. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself with everyone you see online – and feeling like you don’t have enough. Appreciating the beauty of a simple life is hard when you’re busy admiring those who live with excess. 

To curb this, try to be more purposeful with your social media use. Curate your feed so you’re only following people you know or accounts that are reflective of the life you truly want to lead – and limit the amount of time you spend using apps like Instagram and TikTok. 

Learn more: Discover 5 ways to be more intentional with social media.

to simplify your life stop doing these things

#7 – Stop overthinking everything.

As you navigate your day, you’re faced with an endless number of decisions – even if you don’t realize it. What will you wear? What will you eat for breakfast? How will you respond to that email?

You can either make a choice and move decisively forward, or you can agonize over the options in front of you, playing out different scenarios and trying to determine the best route to take.

While some decisions certainly warrant a thorough thought process – like changing careers or moving to a new city – most of the decisions you face throughout your day don’t need that level of deliberation.

Instead, simplify your decision-making process and learn how to quickly commit to a direction. 

Learn more: Check out these overthinker quotes and learn how you can stop overthinking.

What will you stop doing to simplify your life? Leave a comment and let me know.

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  1. Keep trash baskets in almost every room, and empty them! Easier to decide to declutter when a place to put “stuff” is nearby..

  2.’s correct. but, sometimes not easy to start. i have saturday and monday for try the decluterring, I need the simple and smart home, but, from which I must start? my bedroom, my kitchen , my yard or my living room?

    1. before the end of summer I try to get more outside work done!! …maybe just spend a wee bit if time organizing, etc.

  3. I spend to much time on game playing on my tablet and phone. I will get them off my screens so I will not see them or open them to play . i will be sort of out of site and therefore out of mind.

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