Inside: Learn why self-care should be part of your to-do list and how to make time for yourself.

In a world where hustling is the norm, taking time to focus on ourselves can often feel counterproductive. We are constantly bombarded with comparison on social media, seeing how others are adding yet another achievement to their list, and filling up our schedules with countless things that feel more like tasks than pleasure.

I get it. Switching off is an extremely difficult thing to do these days. Making time aside to slow down and practice self-care when our to-do lists seem never-ending can easily take the backburner.

Here are all the reasons why self-care should be part of your to-do list. It’s time to start prioritizing self-care especially if you’ve been putting yourself last lately!

self-care should be part of your to-do list

A word about self-care

I wanted to take a minute to clarify that self-care isn’t necessarily what’s marketed to us on a regular basis. Most people think of self-care as a day at the spa, booking a last-minute stay at a hotel alone, or spending hours soaking in our bathtubs. 

While these are definitely self-care practices because they’ll make us feel good, most people don’t have the time or excess funds to regularly do elaborate activities.

Rather, I like to think of self-care as small actions and habits that make our souls, minds, and bodies feel better. Surprisingly, many of the most effective self-care habits don’t cost much money or time.

An act of self-care can be something as simple as spending more time with loved ones, going for a walk, exercising, or taking up a new hobby.

Why Self-Care Should Be Part of Your To-Do List

Here are some of the reasons why self-care should be part of your to-do list.

It’ll make you achieve more in less time

Did you know that overworking can lead to reduced focus, procrastination, stress, and even burnout? Taking a few minutes out of your day to practice self-care will keep those things at bay, and as a result, actually, help you achieve better results.

Once you make self-care a regular part of your routine, you’ll start noticing a big change in the way you work. Perhaps dealing with reduced focus made an easy task feel much harder than it should be, or the fact that you’d procrastinate made something that should take an hour to complete a much longer process.

By practicing self-care on a regular basis, you’ll keep your physical and mental health in check, which will soon become visible in your productivity levels!

It’ll make your work better

Even if you have your dream job, stress and burnout can quickly make you stop looking forward to something you once loved.

By practicing self-care and giving yourself permission to unwind, you’ll instantly feel recharged and ready to take on the day. As a result, you’ll feel fresher and happier before the start of a workday, which will definitely become visible in your results!

You’ll make space for yourself

In today’s landscape, we’re often pushed to continue striving to become a better version of ourselves. While working towards your goals and dreams is incredible, it’s important to still honor yourself by making space for activities you love doing.

It’s helpful to review your goals and decide if you need to simplify them in order to have a more balanced life.

It’ll give you an identity outside of your work

Self-care comes in all forms, and one of the most important self-care practices is doing activities you enjoy doing just for the sake of it. This can include gardening, painting, dancing, hanging out with your friends, and just about any other activity you can think of!

For a well-rounded life, it’s important for us to have identities outside of our work and achievements. You aren’t just your position at a company or the owner of a business – you can also be a good friend, a gardener, a painter, a runner, or whatever it is you want to be!

self-care should be part of your to-do list

You can help more people

Many people initially see self-care as something that seems selfish. If you are a people pleaser or just someone who tends to focus on taking care of others, consider that incorporating self-care into your routine will enable you to do that better.

When your cup is empty, you have nothing left to pour out to others. It’s essential to refuel your tank so that you are able to continue to give to others.

Shifting your perspective and seeing that self-care helps not only you, but those you care for can be a game-changer.

How to Make Self-Care a Habit

Knowing why you’re making self-care a priority is the first step to incorporating it on your to-do list. Once you’ve decided it is necessary, it will become easier to make it a habit.

Schedule It

To regularly practice self-care, it’s helpful to include it in your schedule. Set aside the time and put it on your to-do list.

Often if things aren’t written down or scheduled, it’s easier to not make them happen. Including it as a recurring event on your calendar will help you make it a habit in your life.

Keep It a Priority

Honoring your commitments to yourself can be some of the hardest things to maintain. No one will know if you cancel. There is no one to be accountable to, but you.

If you are used to putting yourself last, this won’t be an easy task. Don’t consider self-care negotiable. Remind yourself of why self-care should be part of your to-do list and do your best to honor it.

Of course sometimes life happens and things get off track. Just make sure you resume setting aside time to care for yourself as soon as you can. It’s in the most hectic times that you need it most!

self-care should be part of your to-do list

What Does Self-Care Look Like?

The short answer to what self-care looks like is it depends. Taking care of yourself requires being in tune with your needs.

Self-care can look different in varying seasons in your life as well. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it may look like not scheduling anything and taking some time to relax. If you’ve been feeling isolated and lonely, it might look like getting together with a friend for coffee.

Self-care is about assessing what you need to feel more balanced in your life. Consider what gives you energy and what helps you relax. Decide what it is you need.

When you’re a mom of young children, self-care can be tough to come by. Asking your partner, family, or friends to help is very beneficial.

While that isn’t easy for some, the people in your life who love you want what’s best for you and would likely be happy to help if they knew your need.

Self-Care Should Be Part of Your To-Do List

Are you sold that self-care should be part of your to-do list? Remember that it doesn’t have to be complicated. Finding simple ways to care for yourself can make a world of difference.

Have you been prioritizing yourself lately? Let me know all about your favorite self-care activities in the comments section down below!

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  1. I’ve been making self-care more of a priority in the last few months. Adding music to my day, whether smooth jazz, classical, or something else, it is very important to me.
    My husband and I have started going to a pool exercise class twice a week. Not only do we get the benefit of exercise, but it’s something fun we enjoy together. Plus being in the pool is something I love and haven’t done for too many years!

  2. This was a great post Julianna. I loved how you brought out that self care will give you an identity outside of work. It is so important to have creative and active hobbies that you enjoy. I find that I am the most relaxed when I am in a state of flow either sewing, writing, or playing violin.

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