Inside: Learn how to declutter a craft room so that you can use your space to its fullest and enjoy the creative process even more!
If you love to craft, you know just how much joy you can get from expressing your creativity and tackling new projects.
You also probably know just how difficult it can be to keep your craft supplies organized.
And if you’ve got a whole room dedicated to crafting? Keeping your craft room clean and clutter-free can be a challenge, to say the least.
But it isn’t impossible!
With a little effort, you can declutter your craft room and restore your space to the neat, tidy, organized place it was before.
If you’re ready to declutter your craft room, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to see just how it can be to restore order and organization to your craft room.

The Importance of Decluttering Your Craft Room
There are some people out there who have no desire to declutter their creative space. To them, creativity can happen amidst chaos…
But it doesn’t have to.
And for many of us, it isn’t a productive environment to practice our crafts. Creativity doesn’t require a sterile space, but you do need space to spread out, organize your supplies, and create.
That’s why decluttering your craft room once in a while is a great idea. Actually, there are a couple of reasons you might want to consider a good craft room decluttering session once in a while.
Even if you don’t recognize it, a cluttered space can lead to unnecessary stress and overwhelm. If your craft room hasn’t seen too much activity lately, or you often find yourself frustrated by your progress – or lack thereof – on your latest project, this could be why.
There might be so much stuff in your space that you can’t think clearly and get frustrated trying to find things.
And then there’s the craft supply creep. Over time, it’s easy to accumulate a LOT of craft supplies – including plenty of stuff you’ll never actually use again.
By decluttering your craft room once in a while, you can recycle or donate the things you no longer need instead of continuing to allow them to take up space.
Not only will you benefit those you pass your unneeded supplies along to, but you’ll benefit yourself by making it easier to find what you’re looking for and tackle your projects.
How to Declutter a Craft Room
Decluttering your craft room doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it may actually be easier than you think to transform your space and get organized.
As long as you’re willing to dedicate the time and energy to organizing your craft room, you’ll be amazed to see the kind of results you can get after a few hours of focused work.
1. Clean out your drawers, cabinets, and closets.
If your end goal is a totally decluttered craft room, you can either jump all in to get it all done if your time and energy permit or you can work in the room one small area at a time.
Either way, it will be important to get your things out into the open so that you can fully evaluate what you have.
It doesn’t matter what kinds of crafts you enjoy. Maybe you like to sew. Perhaps you prefer paper crafts, or love creating with your Cricut. You might make jewelry, or spin pottery, or create art pieces from all kinds of materials.
Whatever kinds of crafts you love, extra supplies can pile up and end up creating clutter.
To declutter a craft room, you’re going to want to work in categories, and perhaps subcategories depending on how much stuff you have. Empty all of the drawers, bins, shelves, and cabinets that fit within a particular category.
For example, if you’re a seamstress, you will want to see all of your threads at once so that you know the total sum of what you have and can then declutter and organize it. Once you complete one category, then move onto another one.
One word of warning here. If you are short on time, don’t get overzealous emptying out everything from all of your drawers and cabinets. You’ll end up feeling frustrated with the mess and it won’t be very motivating to finish it.
Working in smaller categories will allow you to complete what you’re working on and feel the benefits of decluttering so that you want to continue with it.
2. Get rid of craft supplies that don’t have any life left.
While many craft supplies can be passed along to others once you’ve determined you won’t use them again, that doesn’t apply to everything.
That glue stick that’s 90% gone? The fabric scraps that are truly too small to be used for anything? Chances are, you don’t have a way to use them up – and neither does anyone else.
If you’re saving a bunch of craft supplies that can’t really benefit anyone, the best thing you can do is get them out of your space. Recycle what you can, and discard the rest.
3. Donate craft supplies you don’t need – but someone else can use!
Once you’ve cleared out the trash, you’ve probably still got a significant amount of stuff on your hands. And that’s OK!
You don’t have to get rid of everything. But you do have to make an effort to clear out the things you won’t actually use – but someone else can.
Maybe you tried a new craft that didn’t quite work out and have all the supplies you need. Maybe you went through a knitting phase, or a mosaic phase, and you doubled down on the supplies to make them – but won’t ever use them again. Or maybe you had big dreams for a project that, realistically, you will no longer complete.
Whatever the situation, you can keep those craft supplies from overwhelming your craft room by giving them to someone who WILL use them! Donate them to a local school, church, organization, or to someone in your Buy Nothing group. You may just make someone’s day!
4. Organize your supplies.
After you’ve gotten rid of all of the stuff in your craft room you don’t need to keep, it’s time to organize the remaining craft supplies.
Start by evaluating your current storage supplies. Do you have what you need? Are there enough bins, baskets, drawers, and shelves to keep your craft supplies contained, separated, and easily accessible?
If you don’t have storage supplies that can be repurposed, consider what storage solutions would work well in your space.
Clear plastic bins are simple, affordable, and stackable, making them a great option for little things that are easily lost. To save money, you can also find baskets and other storage containers in thrift stores.
Pegboards mounted on a wall can be a great option for items that are able to be hung up.
Drawers and shelves are smart options for storing various items – depending on just how visible you need them to be. If you don’t like seeing your stuff, consider getting a cabinet or armoire secondhand from Facebook marketplace or Offerup.
By evaluating the craft supplies you need to keep and making a smart plan to store them, you can get what you need to organize your craft room – and keep it clutter-free.
5. Stay on top of craft room clutter by creating a schedule.
Now that your craft room is neat and organized – how are you going to keep it that way?
By making a schedule and committing to tidy up your crafting space on a regular basis, you can prevent clutter from piling back up.
By sorting through, purging, and organizing your craft supplies on a monthly (or even quarterly) basis, you can make it way easier to maintain your craft room – and spend your time doing what you love!
How do you keep your craft room organized? Leave a comment and let me know!
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Hi! I have a craft niche that I simply keep buying more to fit into. Unfortunately it is visible to anyone who come into my home further than the front door. I’m going to try some of your techniques for decluttering – they sound doable, particularly the idea about doing small areas at a time. Thanks for the inspiration 🤩