How Scarcity and Trends Influence People to Spend More Money

How Scarcity and Trends Influence People to Spend More Money

Inside: Learn how scarcity and trends influence people to spend more money. Once you understand these tactics you can more easily avoid them. Do you find yourself spending more money than you’d like… but aren’t sure why you can’t reign it in?  You aren’t alone. The temptation to buy, buy, buy is virtually everywhere. It…

How to Encourage Your Children to Spend More Time Outdoors This Spring

How to Encourage Your Children to Spend More Time Outdoors This Spring

Inside: Learn how to encourage your children to spend more time outdoors this spring and why it’s good for them. A guest post by Rose Morrison Adults are spending more and more time indoors and children have followed suit. While it used to be common for kids to play outside from sun up to sun…

13 Simple Daily Habits to Embrace a More Minimalist Lifestyle 

13 Simple Daily Habits to Embrace a More Minimalist Lifestyle 

Inside: Use these daily habits to embrace a minimalist lifestyle. They’ll help you save money and keep your home clutter-free. A guest post by Cora Gold “Getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter allows you to remember who you are. Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are.” ~Courtney…

How to Use Journal Prompts to Help You Write More

How to Use Journal Prompts to Help You Write More

Inside: Learn how to use journal prompts to help you write more and gain greater insights. Have you always wanted to try your hand at journaling – but aren’t sure what to write about? Or maybe you’ve already made journaling a habit, but you’re losing interest because you find yourself writing about the same things…

7 Self-Care Habits That Will Improve Your Overall Well-Being

7 Self-Care Habits That Will Improve Your Overall Well-Being

Inside: Consider implementing these self-care habits into your life to improve your overall well-being. While our personal well-being should be one of our top priorities, for many of us, that simply isn’t the reality. Between caring for our families, focusing on our careers, and dealing with all of the other obligations that come our way,…

Kids and Materialism: 9 Ways to Teach Your Kids What Really Matters

Kids and Materialism: 9 Ways to Teach Your Kids What Really Matters

Inside: Learn about kids and materialism and the impact it has on them. Use these tips to teach your kids what really matters in life. A guest post by Rose Morrison Kids are no strangers to materialism — they see commercials and digital advertisements pushing them to fall in love with new toys, games, and…

5 Best Time Management Strategies So You Can Become More Efficient 
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5 Best Time Management Strategies So You Can Become More Efficient 

Inside: Learn the best time management strategies you can use to become more efficient with your time. Ever feel like you just can’t keep track of everything you need to do? You definitely aren’t alone. Between work obligations, personal commitments, can’t-miss appointments, and the chores and errands you need to stay on top of to…

20 Tips to Motivate Your Teen to Declutter Their Room (by a Teen)
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20 Tips to Motivate Your Teen to Declutter Their Room (by a Teen)

Inside: Use these teen-approved tips to motivate your teen to declutter and organize their room. A guest post by my teen daughter Is your home the relaxing space you want it to be? How about your kids’ rooms? Are you scared of what you might find when you open the door? In this post, I’m…

5 Essential Habits for Building Strong and Healthy Relationships

5 Essential Habits for Building Strong and Healthy Relationships

Inside: Consider which of these habits for healthy relationships you would like to grow in and work on. It can make a big difference in your life. When it comes to what’s important in life, one thing is hard to ignore – our health. We focus on our mental and physical health with therapy, exercise,…