How to Get Rid of Digital Clutter and Save Time
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How to Get Rid of Digital Clutter and Save Time

‘Running out of disk space.’ ‘Files are currently full’. ‘Insufficient storage.’ ‘Storage space is running out’. These error messages that come up on your device are not only annoying but are also a reminder of your digital clutter. Let’s look at how to get rid of digital clutter and save time since digital clutter isn’t…

How to Teach Your Child to Be Responsible for Their Things
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How to Teach Your Child to Be Responsible for Their Things

A guest post by Wendy Gunn Inside: Want to teach your child to be responsible for their things? These ten tips will help! Picking up after your kids on an ongoing basis gets tiring. It also doesn’t help prepare them for adulthood. The good news is that with concerted effort and intentionality, you can learn…

How to Create a Beautiful Home Without the Clutter
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How to Create a Beautiful Home Without the Clutter

A guest post from Conny at Colorful Designer Everyone has their own idea of what it means to have their ideal home. While your current home may not be your dream home, you can create a beautiful home without the clutter. Create a Beautiful Home Without Clutter Have you ever wondered how you could create…

How to Digitize Old Photos to Preserve Precious Memories

How to Digitize Old Photos to Preserve Precious Memories

A guest post by Wendy Dessler Inside: Learn how you can digitize old photos and preserve precious memories for generations to come. There’s always a time in your life when you come across some old family treasures, maybe when you move into the family home, or when you visit the farmhouse attic. There might even…

How to Get Rid of Mental Clutter and Clear Your Mind
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How to Get Rid of Mental Clutter and Clear Your Mind

Do you feel mentally drained at the end of the day? Over time, just like physical clutter adds up, so does mental clutter. While it isn’t a type of clutter that is as obvious, it is just as important to get rid of mental clutter and clear your mind. Mental clutter weighs you down. It…

The Best Decluttering Tips for Hoarders Who Want Help
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The Best Decluttering Tips for Hoarders Who Want Help

Hearing the word ‘hoarder’ brings different things to mind for different people. Many people can identify with hoarding tendencies while others notice them in other people. Regardless of which you are, let’s look at the best decluttering tips for hoarders who want help. Defining hoarding Before we go further into the topic of hoarding, it’s…